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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Transformers: ROTF - Unite for the Universe Comic Translated! has been updated with a new news story called Transformers: ROTF - Unite for the Universe Comic Translated! .

The Allspark have posted a translation of the comic that came with Masterpiece Movie Starscream in Japan.  Here\'s what they had to say about it

\"Thanks to Powered Convoy, lonegamer8, NightViper, and the one and only Simon Furman we now have a translated version of Transfomers:  Revenge of the Fallen - Unite for the UniverseYou can view it Untranslated and Translated. online!  This comic was included with Masterpiece Movie Starscream released last year.  The comic picks up shortly after the movie, with script by Simon Furman, illustrations by Guido Guidi, and colors by Tommaso Renieri.\".



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