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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Extended Transformers Universe Character Profile for Whirl has been updated with a new news story called Extended Transformers Universe Character Profile for Whirl.

You may remember that on the 22nd December we reported that Jim Sorenson had posted extended G1 profiles for Swerve, Hupcap, Roadbuster and the Deluxe Insecticons­ over on his blog Disciples of Boltax.­  In that post Jim made mention to the fact that he had lost the profile for Roadbuster\'s partner Whirl, well I got in touch with Jim as I though I might well have it with some other behind-the-scenes papers I have around. Well since then I have sorted through my notes and I do indeed have the extended profile along with the smaller tech-spec version, both from documents dated 3rd December 1984.  So without further-a-do, I would like to present to you Whirl\'s full profile

5993 Deluxe Helicopter - 1985 - 12/03/84

Autobot Helicopter

Code Name: Whirl
Function: Aerial Assault


Whirl is one Autobot who really loves his job.  As a helicopter, he doesn\'t just fly, he careens across the sky in what appears to be a wild, joyful dance.  But the crazy patterns he spins and weaves in flight only disguise the method to his madness.  He calculates that an enemy would be far more terrified by someone who appears to be insane than by a purely rational opponent.  Indeed, he is right.  One single, lunatic dive of Whirl\'s will often send Decepticons scurrying for cover even before he starts firing at them.  \"An attack of insanity can be just as effective as an attack by a proton bomb,\" says Whirl.


As a helicopter, Whirl can fly at a speed of 400 mph.  He has a range of 16000 miles.  His
manoeuvrability is amazing -- he can fly at virtually any angle except upside down, and even that he can achieve while doing loops.  He packs four incendiary-shell cannons and a high-energy photon beam rifle.  He has enormous strength in robot mode and carries a hand-mounted null-ray module that shields him from any energy beam directed at him, and a leg-mounted paralyzo-box that injects a powerful, disabling fluid when bought into contact with other robotic life.


Being reckless, Whirl is prone to disabling himself by damaging his rotor blades.

Here is the tech spec profile that I also have, which is the same as the one used on the box.

Tech Spec:
Loves his job ... careens across sky spinning and weaving wild, crazy patterns.  Believes enemies are more terrified of him if he acts insane during an attack.  Flies at 400 mph, range 1600 miles.  Amazing manoeuvrability ... can fly at almost any angle.  Carries 4 incendiary-shell cannons, hi-energy photo beam rifle.  Great strength as robot... has null-ray module on hand, paralyzo-box on leg.  Reckless... prone to rotor blade damage,

If used logically, madness makes a great weapon.

Str: 8 Int: 8 Spd: 8 End: 8 Rnk: 6 Crg: 9 Frp: 8 Skl: 8


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