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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Images of Freeway Jaz has been updated with a new news story called Images of Freeway Jaz.

Chinese fansite, The-Arker, has posted some new images of Electrostatic Soundwave and Freeway Jazz in packaging.  The images also include their bio\'s which read as:

Electrostatic Soundwave
After a couple of years working alongside Laserbeak, Soundwave realized it was time for a change. His new partner, Ratbat, lets him lay down multiple tracks of sound at a time, creating frequencies that can do more than just control other robots. Now, Soundwave is into straight-up mind control. Using complex synch beats he can make people - and even the Autobots - do whatever he wants.

Freeway Jazz
With Decepticon activity at its peak near the galaxy rim, rumors begin to circulate that Earth may be getting more evil visitors as well. In anticipation of incoming Decepticons, Autobot Jazz goes undercover, inmersing himself in Earth culture where he hides in plain site. He can enjoy the sights and sound of Earth while planning the perfect moment to strike.


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