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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uber rare 1941 iss has been updated with a new news story called Uber rare 1941 iss.

­­Though not Transformers related what-so-e­ver we thought this ebay auction was too cool not to share with everyone (considering many people reading this website will be fans of Marvel comics).  The auction is for a near perfect copy of Captain American Issue 2 from 1941­­ and is considered one of the rarest comics to find, especially in the condition that the seller has it.

Here is the information regarding the comic. \"The story behind this book is almost as unlikely as the book itself. It began with a late night phone call with the gracious and friendly seller of a small group of 80 original owner comics in Litchfield County, Connecticut. The young man was selling the books for his uncle, who purchased all of them on the newsstand in the same general area. Sitting untouched, unbagged, and unboarded for almost 70 years this freak of nature somehow managed to survive in Newsstand fresh shape for decades!!\"

The auction has to be seen to be believed, if nothing else just to see how much it finally sells for.  Currently its selling at over $55,000!


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