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Monday, January 24, 2011

RIP Galvy - 28th May 1976 - 4th Jan 2011 has been updated with a new news story called RIP Galvy - 28th May 1976 - 4th Jan 2011.

It\'s days like this when being the administrator of this site means that it is my sad duty to bring you some very sad news. I received an email this afternoon from Galvy\'s wife informing me that her husband passed away suddenly on the 4th January.

Galvy was a long time member of this community first joining the message board on the 11th March 2003 and was one of our more active members since the board moved away from Proboards in 2008.

Once again, on behalf of this website and its members, I would like to publicly pass on all our condolences to Galvy\'s family at this time.  Galvy was a valued member of this community who\'s posts would often bring a smile to my face and he will very much be missed.

I have created a topic on the message board where members can post their messages of condolence if they wish.

Steve aka Quartz


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