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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tail-end ROTF RPMs out in Germany has been updated with a new news story called Tail-end ROTF RPMs out in Germany.

Nevermore has posted over on regarding some German sightings of the tail-end part of the Transformers RPM line.

\"Yeah, I guess not many here care about RPMs.\" posts Nevermove, \"Still, from what I could gather, the last wave never came out in the United States, but apparently in Asia. (Apparently they are coming out in the USA in \"Speed Stars\" packaging instead.)
I found these ones at a German TRU last week, and yesterday I also saw them at Real, a domestic supermarket chain. These photos were taken at the Real store in Moers.

Also, is the Speed Stars Bumblebee Track Set new?

And while I\'m at it, Real also has Hunt for the Decepticons Deluxe wave 2 (Axor, Rescue Ratchet, Tuner Skids)... for a discount price of 15 instead of 20 Euros (i.e. $21 USD instead of $28 USD).\"

 You can find the original post and images here on the TFW2005 boards.


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