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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

TF Prime Concept Artist Ken Christiansen updates his blog has been updated with a new news story called TF Prime Concept Artist Ken Christiansen updates his blog.

Ken Christiansen has updated his blog with some designed of Transformers Bumblebee, Jazz and Inferno which are alternative ideas from Transformers Prime,

Mr Christiansen is working as a concept artist on Transformers Primeand has previously worked on Activisions Transformers: The Game and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen computer games.

\"Yes I did work on Transformers : Prime. No, these images (Click on the Title Bar to see) are NOT from that work. You have to wait until October to see those...

But, now that some of those images are starting to come out, I wanted to try to do some studies to match the official style. Just really rough at this point, trying to find some of the basics.

Obviously, TFP Bumblebee is based on the movie Camaro, so I wanted to try a pass with him as the Beetle, and how that old vehicle form could break up in new ways. Then I took a crack at Jazz (I don\'t know if there\'s any TF/Prime images of him out, and I honestly don\'t know if he\'s in the lineup for the show - I didn\'t work on him, in any case) and based him on more of the TF:Animated styling. And then for fun, I just picked a random Autobot, and did Inferno. He was the last one I did, and I think I started to capture some of the TFP looks...

Tomorrow, some Decepts...\"


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