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Friday, August 06, 2010

Auto Assembly 2010 Final Update has been updated with a new news story called Auto Assembly 2010 Final Update.

The Auto Assembly Team have issued the following \"final\" Auto Assembly 2010 update which includes news that the convention is already up to 538 attendees and so if you are unsure about whether to go we urge you to decide to make the trip to Birmingham and help the convention break the 600 barrier. The more interest in the conventions each year helps companies like Hasbro take notice and become more willing to get involved as well as ensuring a better budget for guests.  Without more-a-do here\'s the press release

Auto Assembly 2010 Final Update

Hi everyone,

Can you believe it, we\'re only EIGHT days away from Auto Assembly 2010! Even with the convention being this close, we\'ve still got more news to bring you and more announcements and lots of things to update you all on so we had better get on with it all...
Children\'s Programme
As you know, we\'ve got a programme of activities lined up for our younger attendees this year included 2 hours of DEDICATED events running on both days between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm in the Alternative Programme Room which will include face painting, games, colouring competitions, and an art workshop on the Sunday with more generalised activities for the really young children! To ensure that we have adequate registered childcare provision, can you let us know if you may be interested in using this room for your child so we can make sure enough people are on hand. Otherwise, we may have to set a limit to the number of children who are allowed in to each session.
Competition Frenzy!
We\'ve got loads of competitions taking place at the convention this year. While it\'s too late for advance entry for our writing competition and to get your early registrations in for our art, kitbash and costume competitions, you can still enter these if you bring your entries and forms along with you to the convention itself. The costume competition is already shaping up to be something pretty spectacular... We still want to see more entries for the art competition as well, especially from our younger attendees...
As part of the Children\'s Programme, we have two colouring competitions and we will judge kids in two age ranges to be fair on all the children who will be there. Free packs of colouring pencils will be provided for every child who takes part, and even children who are friends / family of convention committee members / staff / volunteers will be eligible to enter because the entry forms are 100% anonymous and we will be getting one of our guests to judge it who will not be able to tell who did what entry!
Free Prize Draws!
We have loads of prize draws that you can be entered into this year to win some great prizes! First is the incredible prize draw supported by Hasbro. THIRTY of you will get the chance to win an amazing Challenge At Cybertron set. This set features three toys - Cyclonus, Rodimus and Galvatron all in their animated colour schemes. It is not going to be released in the UK and hasn\'t been released in America yet! The 30 winners are going to be chosen at random and if you have won you will find a winning ticket inserted randomly into your convention pack. Just bring this to the Registration Desk at any time during the convention to claim your prize. If you don\'t claim by the end of the convention, your prize will be forfeit!
In conjunction with Toyz And Gamez, we are running a free \"tombola\" for everyone who buys a copy of this year\'s convention exclusive comic. For each copy of the comic that you buy, you can draw a raffle ticket. 31 numbers have been pre-selected at random and if you draw a ticket that matches one of these then you\'re a lucky winner. 30 people will win an Auto Assembly 2010 10th Anniversary Keyring and one lucky winner will get a weekend ticket to Auto Assembly 2011!!
Finally is our usual pre-registrant prize draw. Three of you who have pre-booked for Auto Assembly 2010 will be in with a chance of winning something pretty special this year... There are three prizes on offer and we think you\'ll love what we have on offer:-
1st Prize - LIFETIME pass to Auto Assembly!
2nd Prize - Family Weekend Ticket to Auto Assembly 2011
3rd Prize - Weekend Ticket to Auto Assembly 2011
Plus additional smaller prizes for each winner!
Script Reading Auditions Open NOW!
We are still casting for this year\'s script!! If you want to join Garry Chalk, Scott McNeil, Nick Roche and Simon Williams on stage, then why not take a stab at some of these roles:-
G1 Grimlock
Beast Wars Blackarachnia
Michael Bay (yes, you read it right!)
To audition, just send an MP3 file of whatever character you want to audition for, with some of their more popular lines of dialogue, phrases and some of their general speech and we\'ll announce the successful cast members soon. Obviously for Michael Bay, just think like a film director but remember the style of last year\'s script to give you an idea for how you might want to play the part!
Fan Sales Table
You may remember reading about the Fan Sales Table in the information Pack that we sent out with your passes. Well this is going incredibly well and we already have almost 250 items of stock confirmed for the table. This considsts of items that belong to the convention already or things that are being brought along by fans over the weekend! We have a full list up on the website for you to take a look at and we are taking reservations so if there is anything you want, you can get in NOW and this applies to ANYTHING on the list! You can find the catalogue here:-

If you have any of your own items to sell, please get in touch to add your stuff to the catalogue, or just bring them along on the day and we can add them then!

Auto Assembly Memories
For those of you who attended last year, you may remember seeing sheets displayed around the convention with assorted pieces of Transformers Trivia on them. This year, with it being our 10th Anniversary year, we want all of you to share your memories of Auto Assembly with everyone else. It can be some of your fondest memories from Auto Assembly 2009, or even dating right back to 2000. It can be about the event generally, our guests, the social aspect... anything at all - we want to hear from you!
We\'re looking for your thoughts, about 50-75 words each and there\'s no limit to the number you can submit. We\'ll display as many as we can around the hotel and we\'ll have sheets on hand at the convention itself if you want to write some down then to add to this \"hall of memories\" about the convention.

European Attendance Record SHATTERED!!
Bookings are still coming in thick and fast and at the time of writing this, we are up to 538 pre-registrants so we have shattered last year\'s total! We know that there are some bookings on the way to us in the post and more people planning on registering over the next few days, so who knows... last year we beat 500 so is the 600 figure really within our grasp?! If you know anyone who wants to come along and help us reach that figure, send them to the website NOW!
Hotel Food
We have now put the requests into the hotel for food based on what people have suggested to us. We don\'t know exactly what will be on offer yet, but there will be bar snacks, crisps etc and the main convention food will be served between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday, and for the Saturday evening between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm.
Saturday Night Party Ticket Upgrades - Reminder!
One of the highlights of the convention this year is going to be our party and great line-up of entertainment on the Saturday night. However, this is exclusively for those of you who have booked tickets for the full weekend (which gives you full access to the whole convention at any time) and those of you who have ordered single day passes for the Saturday will not be able to get into this bonus programme.
However, we are making a limited number of Saturday Evening Ticket Upgrades available so all of you Saturday pass holders can get into the Saturday night programme for a small additional charge! These upgrades are only £10 for adults and £6 for children and under 5s are free. Sadly, as places are strictly limited, we can not offer reductions for students or senior citizens
If you are interested in these, please email us for details on how to add this option to your pass or keep checking the website.
Please note that if you have already bought a weekend pass then you don\'t need to do anything as your ticket AUTOMATICALLY gets you into the Saturday evening programme.
Weekend Ticket Upgrade
What about the rest of you who have bought a single day ticket for the convention? If you have a Saturday pass but now you\'ve decided that you want to be with us for the full weekend, or if you\'ve got a Sunday pass and now want to join us for the Saturday as well, get in touch NOW and we can upgrade your ticket to a full weekend pass for just £20 for adults and £17 for children, students and OAPs! It\'s cheaper than buying two single day tickets so what are you waiting for?!
Merchandise Pre-Orders
Many of you have already pre-ordered your copies of Issue 11 of The Cybertronian Times for collection at the convention, but in the next couple of days we are hoping to start taking pre-orders for this year\'s convention mug and keyrings. Ordering will be available through the website and quantities of everything will be limited. If you want to pre-order anything you need to hurry to reserve yours before the convention so go to the site here:-
Auto Assembly Memories
For those of you who attended last year, you may remember seeing sheets displayed around the convention with assorted pieces of Transformers Trivia on them.
* * *
If you have any questions about the convention, feel free to email us or pop over to our discussion forum at where we\'ll be only too happy to answer any questions or comments you might have about the convention and keep checking on the website for all the latest news and guest updates as well!

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and we\'re looking forward to seeing you next weekend!
The Auto Assembly 2010 Team
Auto Assembly 2010 - 13th - 15th August 2010.
The Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England - official Auto Assembly website - official Auto Assembly Youtube channel - official Auto Assembly Twitter page - official Auto Assembly forum
Auto Assembly 2010 is sponsored by and whose generosity have made Derrick J Wyatt, Jim Sorenson and Bill Forster\'s appearances at the convention possible.

Auto Assembly 2010 is also sponsored by:-

Science Fiction Collectables -
Toyz And Gamez -
Big Bad Toy Store -
3 Darths Comics -
Hobby Link Japan -
Robot Kingdom -
Xyber Toys -


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