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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tesco RotF Deluxes reduced and Lockdown and Ratchet now out in UK has been updated with a new news story called Tesco RotF Deluxes reduced and Lockdown and Ratchet now out in UK.

Our thanks go to Mr Neurie for reporting that Tesco\'s are currently selling the Transformers deluxe figures for the reduced price of £­8.96­ and they have a new cases in with the following breakdown.

2x Ratchet
2x Lockdown
2x Brawn
1x Nest Bumblebee
1x Sideswipe

The Brawns have already sold out from one of the Tesco near us with all the other figures also selling well judging by the amount of space on the Transformers shelf


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