Top Transformers sites

Top Transformers website and resources as linked to by this Top Transformers blog. If you find a site which you think should be on here then let us know about it.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reason for lack of recent updates has been updated with a new news story called Reason for lack of recent updates.

As you have no doubt noticed the number of updates to this website other than news has slowed right down over the last 6 months.  This has been primarily due to work commitments but has also been affected by some other web projects of ours that needed initial development work.  Its not al bad new though, as work has also slowly begun on the re-developing this website from the ground up. This will be a slow processes and will result in an entirely new code base include re-vamped back-end database and scripts.

We were not, and still are not, planning to pause updating Transformers At The Moon during the redevelopment so you will find some new galleries and content being added just as soon as our \"day jobs\" calm down a little.  We thank you for baring with us during this time, but we can assure that this this site is in no ways winding down, more the opposite.

Site developer and co-founder


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