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Monday, January 11, 2010

UK Toys R US - Movie / has been updated with a new news story called UK Toys R US - Movie /.

Thanks once again to BuzzBolt for providing us with more information on the Transformers toys currently in stock at Toys R Us.  Obviously not all stores will have every item available depending on the size of the store.

Following on from Sunday\'s report on the Transformers Animated stock, the Bumper Battle cars are also available.

For the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen line a variety of Robot Heroes, Legendsm Scoutm Deluxe and Voyager class are available, along with Fast Action Battlers and Robot Replicas.

Current stock includes:-

Superion (combiner set)
Deluxe Twin Pack of Wheelie and Sideways
Deluxe + Voyager Pack of Hoist and Mixmaster (G1 colours)
Movie Promo Pack of Whirl and Bludgeon.
Bumblebee Blaster
Optimus Prime Cannon
Bumblebee Voice Changer Helmet
Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet

For the Transformers Universe line :-

A mixture of Robot Heroes
Voyager Blaster
Voyager Dropshot
Voyager Blades
Voyager Treadbolt
(each carton contains one of each figure)

Ultra Silverbolt
Ultra Countdown
Ultra Darkwing
Ultra Powerglide
(Ultra Figures consist of 2 varieties at the moment, one is normal a box of 4 consisting of 2 of each and we also have the 25th anniversary figures with the same contents).

BuzzBot also mentions that the Voyager figures have been reduced for quite some time and after 6 months policies govern that we either return the item to it\'s previoius RRP or adjust it to a new sale price or deal.


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