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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Illegal DVD has been updated with a new news story called Illegal DVD .

Reports are in that video streaming sites and Torrent sites such as already have supposed \"DVD Rips\" of both \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" AND \"GI-Joe - The Rise of Cobra\". Usually, online copies of films are poorly-recorded \"cam\" copies, \"screeners\" (made for review or editing purposes and sent to journalists, and other associated parties) or in the case of DVD-rips, copies of DVDs shortly as they come out for either rental or commercial DVD purchase. The ROTF copies have reportedly already been out since September. Will this affect sales of Bay\'s blockbuster or will fans still buy the film legit?

NOTICE: This website does NOT condone any illegal downloads or access to copyrighted material and thus discussions on how to access any copyrighted material, by way of direct links, page links containing any illegal copyrighted material will be removed and any appropriate action taken.

Thanks to Primal Convoy for the news


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